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Four Steps to Align Actions And Integrity

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Structural Integrity

Doing what you know is right, doing it when you know it's the right time to do it, and doing it in a way you know is congruent with the situation, and with your values.

This is the second in our series on structural integrity. Structural integrity is what keeps a human being themselves. It's all the component parts that have you be who you are - authentically and fully.

How do you do that, how does that come about? What aspects of yourself will you need to examine - so your "building" doesn't fall down? (For more about your "building" see What is Structural Integrity. )

Once you know what structural integrity is, how do you get there and how do you stay there?

Having structural integrity requires commitments, or a purpose, and/or a possibility for your life. Structural integrity doesn't stand on its own. It's always referenced inside of something larger - a context. 

Recently I was asked if I would lie about an inside relationship I have in a prospect's company. The relationship would jeopardize a potential new client from doing business with me. If my context was 'get every bit of business I can', I could have said yes, I could lie and have been in integrity on a certain (low) level. But that's not my context.

I have several contexts and commitments that this incident fits inside of - one is that I am authentic and true to myself. Second, I demonstrate being professional and completely transparent with clients (including prospective clients). Third, I have a context that everything I do has consequences and will manifest somewhere. Fourth, I have a commitment that every relationship begins squeaky clean. Finally, I have a commitment to truthfulness. Given those frameworks, I could not have lied and been in integrity. (Side note - I know this person was trying to help me. He didn't realize what lying would cost me or how it would be out of integrity for me). 

So, you match your actions to your commitments. Which means you must know what you are committed to. You must have done the work to have at least a draft of your purpose and the commitments that match it. Then, you can ask, "Do my actions in this context have structural integrity"?

Step 1. Be willing to have a why, a purpose, and/or commitments that matter to you 

Willingness is critical. It's the drive to move out past your comfort zone. Having structural integrity can be hard. If your willingness is missing, it's unlikely you'll overcome the difficulties for long. 

Step 2. Create actions consistent with your commitments

Which actions are consistent with your commitments? Design your actions. What are the actions you would/could take to act congruently with your commitments? When you don't design your actions, you end up acting habitually (which isn't likely aligned).  

Step 3. Actually do what you know is right

Action and intention will not be aligned if you do not do what is right. One of those 'right' things is doing what you said you'd do.  It may not be easy, but it is simple. If you say something, integrate what comes out of your mouth (which is also an action) congruent with your commitments and purpose. Which is a fancy way of saying 'do what you tell people you will do' - including doing it when you said you would, and, in the manner you know is consistent with your values.


Step 4. Be authentic 

There is an integrity to being authentic. Being authentic does not mean saying whatever's on your mind. Being authentic is expressing who you are. Who have you invented yourself to be? What would it take to be true to the authentic you? What are the actions that match who you are? That's authenticity and integrity - when your actions and who you are truly are aligned. 

This week, consider in what ways could you add structural integrity in the places where it's missing -- where can you act impeccably with your structural integrity? I have this question on my screensaver to remind me to ask myself. When I see it, I frequently change what I was going to do.

Please comment on what you learn from asking this question. I'd love to hear what you come up with.

Have a great week.

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